Why it is telling me horrible/blunder moves?

like i tried 5 games and it told to blunder my queen and every move it shows they are in -3,-4.5
no move is in +
is this some bug or what?

It’s hard to tell without know what position you’re calculating for. Can you provide an example?

hi this is the position i was calculating for and at that time it gave Nf7 move
just straight away sacrificing my queen.
I didn’t notice at that time but when my opponent took the queen then i noticed that was a straight blunder
and i 100% remember that that was the move it suggested (forking both rooks but giving my queen)

right now i tried to analyse the same position again and it gave nb3 move as u can see in the image
this is idk what to say.I m surprised.
all the settings are same. I didn’t change anything
so how it is possible that for same game it is suggesting two different moves on different times??
Ig this is a bug or smth beacuse one another user also posted about this blundering queen move
you can see the post below me.
thanks you


another example it shows -6.31 like and this is not the best move here as far as i think

For the first one:

FEN: 1k1r1b1r/ppp4p/2b5/1q2NQ2/3p4/8/PPPN3P/1K1R2R1 w - - 0 1

I’m consistently getting Nb3 myself. My logs don’t go back super far, but searching through them, and I can’t find any time where the engine has returned anything other than “d2b3” (Nb3) for that position. Did this happen recently?

Engines aren’t deterministic except under specific situations, like calculating with a single thread to a fixed depth. But at NCM it’s all based on time (e.g., calculate for 5 seconds) so results can vary sometimes. But usually that’s when the engine has identified a few moves with a similar evaluation and one just happens to win out once the clock runs out. But I ran this position several times, on both the free and the paid hardware, and I’m just not seeing Nf7 anywhere in the engine output at any depth.

As far as the second one, I’m not sure where the rook came from, as it’s already at h3 in the screenshot, but just to get some FEN in here I’ll assume h8:

FEN: 1k1r1b1r/ppp4p/2b5/1q2NQ2/3p4/8/PPPN3P/1K1R2R1 w - - 0 1

For that, if I set MultiPV = 4 to get some alternate moves, I get gx73, Rh3, Bb4, Be7, all with evaluations between -6.80 and -7.70, so the engine thinks that black has quite the strong advantage here.

Is there an obvious move you see better than Rh3? If so, can you make that move, switch to white, and hit calculate to see how the engine evaluates the resulting position?

hi ok i see that is very strange
maybe it might be my fault in seeing the move coz logs don’t lie as you r saying
i will see for the second one and update you accordingly

yes it did happen recently like 1-2 day ago that first game which you asked