تقوية السيرفر للمشتركين

هل من الممكن زيادة عدد انوية السيرفر لاحقا ليصبح اقوى للمستخدمين المشتركين حتى وان فرضت رسوم اضافيه بالنسبة لي لايوجد مشكله ويهمنا القوة اكثر وشكرا لكم

لا أعتقد ذلك ، حتى الآن يبلغ الحد الأقصى لعدد نواة الخادم 20 ، وهو أمر جيد بالفعل. أعتقد أنهم لا يريدون عمل المزيد من مراكز الخادم لأن 20 ربما يكون كل ما يحتاجون إليه للعثور على أفضل حركة ، ولا داعي لإضاعة المزيد من النوى.

Greetings, and apologies for the English response! My Arabic is no good.

If google translate has served me well, I think that @Darren_Pan is correct.

Essentially we have to balance our subscription revenue and traffic with our hardware / hosting costs. Right now the 20-CPU core and RTX 2080 GPU servers are the best I could find given what we can afford from subscription revenue. Also it’s important to note that we need several servers in order to ensure that there’s always a free server to handle calculations when several users are using the website / app at once.

In the past we’ve increased subscription prices ($13 to $19) in order to afford stronger hardware – like when we went from 8-core Xeon D-1540 servers to having the current 20-CPU core and GPU servers. Hardware prices also drop over time, so new options are appears like the 24-core dual E5-2680v3 servers which have dropped in price considerably recently:


@Sahary mentioned extra fees for stronger hardware, and that’s something we’re considering too – maybe some sort of additional pricing tier that allows for stronger hardware, longer maximum think times, etc.