Why Not Make The Web-site As Strong As The I Phone App, I Think This Would Be A Very Nice Change And Would Be Willing To Pay For The Site It’s Self, Also Be Able To Save Games On The Site As With The I Phone. Just A Thought,
That’s a good idea! Adding the ability to save games (aside from bookmarking the FEN link) is something that I’m looking to build into the site. There’s also been some requests to allow users to change the title of the page so they can better track multiple tabs, and saving games may go hand in hand with that.
I’ll run some tests to see how increasing CPU allocation / processing time affects the suggested moves. The site is already running on 6 servers, and increasing processor allocation would increase hosting costs, but your suggestion of a paid model is interesting. I’d be curious to see how many people would pay for something like that.
I really love your program, but I don’t have an iphone. I have been using it on my windows PC. I am about a 1800 level player and when I play my friends at 1800-1900 the program is very helpful to keep my stupidity in check. But, if I play a level 2000-2200 player the program makes blunders and loses badly. Is there a way to have it play at a higher level? It is helping me become a much more consistent player. Also, if there is a way to contribute $ please let me know. I really appreciate the hard work!