New Feature: Pasting FEN

It’s been a busy day!

In addition to the forward and backward arrows added today, I just pushed a feature that allows you to paste FEN. Simply click the icon to the right of the “FEN” label below the board, paste your FEN, and hit enter.

Please let me know what you think!

Hea, I Still Don’t Get How To Copy/ Paste THe Fen And What Result I Would Get, I Can’t See The Icon For This. If Anyone Knows Please Post,


Hey Jim!

There should be an icon directly to the right of the bold “FEN” below the board:

Once you click it, the FEN should turn into a text box you can use to cut and paste the FEN:

Hi Chendry, I’m Looking At The Websites That I Bring Up And I 'm Sorry But I Just Don’t See The Icon That Your Talking About, I Have The Site Bookmarked On My Computer, If There’s A New Site Then This May Be The Problem, Let Me Know If There Is A New Site.


Hey Jim! It should be there. Are you not seeing the little black square with the pencil inside it?

If it’s not showing up it may be a browser thing.

Hi Chendry, Ok Yeah I See The Icon, When I Click It It Goes Blue And I Can Paste It, Ok The Part I Don’t Understand Is When I Bring Up The Box And Paste It I’m Getting Nothing, And I Would Like To Know In Good Old Laymen’s Terms What It Does, I Mean Does It Help With Figuring Out What The Next Move Is Or Something Else, I Am A Chess Player Not A Computer Guy (-:

Anyway Thanks For All Your Hard Work

Greetings, Jim!

So, the “FEN” is short for “Forsyth–Edwards Notation” – it’s simply a way to represent in text format how the pieces are arranged on the board. You can see it change below the board as you move around pieces.

For instance, you can paste a string like this:

rnbqkbnr/pp1ppppp/8/2p5/4P3/5N2/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKB1R b KQkq - 1 2

and it will result in a board like this:

Jim –

I just made the FEN pasting a little more robust. Here’s a better example:

So, you can go to that site, and paste any FEN listed under their puzzles to load them up on the Next Chess Move board. e.g.: r1b1r1k1/1pq1bp1p/p3pBp1/3pR3/7Q/2PB4/PP3PPP/5RK1 w

Chad, as a brand new subscriber, I just wanted to share that I totally found this icon/its meaning to be non-obvious. This was after (a) expecting a Paste FEN option to be available, (b) looking for such a Paste FEN capability, © noticing that indeed there was a FEN field under the board.

The usability problem for me likely resulted from that “edit” icon being a little too small. From my viewing point, without getting too close to my pair of 27" displays, it looked more like a “share” icon.

The only way I now know is that I searched the forums for “FEN,” but someone like me that expected it and looked for it, I shouldn’t have had to search the forums for it.

Perhaps making that icon just a little big larger would help this function be more discoverable.