Is it broken?

I input the board into Next Chess Move and when I pressed calculate next chess move, it was calculating for an hour straight and it still hasn’t calculated the next move. Is the board in proper? or how could this happen? Here is my board and you can see it calculating but its been like that for an hour now. Or if you now the next best move in algebraic chess notation then please comment below.
Screenshot 2024-12-07 3.21.16 PM

I think the most likely cause of the issue you experienced was either an issue with your local browser or cache, or a bug or timeout issue. Here’s what I think happened:

Sometimes, the browser you’re using can have corrupted cache files or minor glitches that cause a web app to behave oddly. For example, the site might appear to be “stuck calculating” because your browser didn’t properly communicate with the server to retrieve the results. A refresh of the page or clearing the cache can usually fix this. Alternatively, it could have been a timeout bug on the site itself. NextChessMove might have an internal time cap for engine computations to prevent heavy server load.

That said, I just tested this exact position myself, and for me, it worked immediately. The best move it gave me was Rxh2+, which is a mate in 2.