Any news on getting the version of Lc0 that won all of this years computer chess tournaments?

Any news on getting the version of Lc0 that won all of this years computer chess tournaments?

Hi Brad! I’ve been working on this last night. Here’s the basic problem: right now, everything at NCM assumes that networks are identified by simple numbers. So “SV-20b-t40-1541” doesn’t fit into that.

I’m working on some work-arounds, but it’s difficult because I need to make sure it’s backwards-compatible so it doesn’t break the iPhone and Android apps out in the wild :slight_smile:

But it’s coming!

That’s good to hear, sorry for being pushy haha the lockdown has me all kinds of bored :joy:

Progress! I’ve just pushed an update that changes the system by which NCM distributes networks throughout the backend servers. Now the networks are internally identified by their sha256sum, and per-network “source urls” are passed to backends so that if they can’t find the network on any of our backend servers, they can download it from somewhere else.

So that enables us to use the SV networks. I’ve added SV-20b-t40-1541 – more to come!


This is great news, really appreciated. Don’t worry this will keep me going a while haha. Just a slight thing, I’m using the app on my phone a lot more. And it takes me a while to scroll to the start of the game. It’s easy enough on my laptop but on mobile it takes a while. Anyway to just have a go to start of game Button?